Friday, July 1, 2011

Random things I am loving....

I just got the recent issue of Viva Terra, a really great magazine dedicated to green living. Right away the cover caught me. I don't know what it is about roosters, but I heart them. A lot. In fact I have one in my kitchen on top of my cabinets. And I heart him too. He's so darn cute. And there really isn't anything country about my house, but just looking at the rooster makes me want to move out to the country and own an old farmhouse.

Ok, back to the magazine. Here's the adorable rooster from the cover:

And the proceeds go to a great cause too!

I am loving this mirror too, although I am not sure where I would put it. Maybe it would look good in my guest bathroom upstairs.  I also love the dining console too, although it might be a little too rustic for my dining room.  But I still think it is really nice....
How about this backyard?  Could you not just picture yourself here sipping on a nice Firefly cocktail?  Only thing missing is a pool.  Then it would be perfect!

1 comment:

JCHokie said...

Speaking of roosters, I saw a "fat hen" at the fat hen restaurant that's exactly like the one I have in my kitchen at home! How funny was that!?

I love that mirror, it would look great in a dining room.