Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My husband is a saint

No really-Chad is.  There are many reasons I love him and many times I have thought-"Why is he with me??"  But here's just one example how great he is:

He  makes me dinner every night.  Yep, that's right-EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.  And in this case-a freakin' torrential downpour:

I think the idea that night was that I was to help him bring the food off the grill (in the rain) but I was too busy laughing at how ridiculous it was outside and taking pictures of him getting soaked.    I said it already, but I mean it-He's a saint.

Here was our dinner off the grill one night when it wasn't a downpour-YUM:

Now, have I cooked dinner before, yes, I even blogged on it.  But I just don't enjoy it like he does.  So who am I to take away his joy.  Ha ha...Plus when I cook it usually involves my friend Vino:

Love you Chad-you really are good to me.  :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Dreaming of shutters

I've been wanting to put shutters on our house FOR-EVER, but somehow that "lil" project keeps getting postponed.  I thought maybe if I show Hammond how great they'd look, he'd hop on it this fall.  (It is too hot out for me to not be able to park in the garage.  The garage would be where we'd end up painting, etc and well I'm too used to a nice cool car in the mornings!)

So here is a shot of the house from last month:

And what it would look like with shutters.  Whatcha think?  A good fall project for C. Hammond?  (Excuse the faux shutters-I used Microsoft Paint and I don't have a steady hand)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday decorating

This weekend went by really quickly.  We both had back to back turns at two of our three houses-so Saturday was spent on the island.  Saturday evening we had friends over for a little cook out and I will NEVER AGAIN EAT ANOTHER BURGER FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE.  There I put it out there in blog space.  I have never been so violently ill after eating as I was Saturday night.  (I'll spare you the details-but it wasn't purdy at all)

Sunday I wasn't feeling 100% so I took the morning slowly and then finally worked up enough energy to leave the house.  Chad's brother had our boat (which was good b/c I was in no mood to be in the heat) so we went shopping.  I had been wanting to put up some random pictures that I have take over the years, so we made a quick trip up to Michael's.  I snagged a bunch of frames at 50% off and came home to start printing pictures. 

Here's our stairway landing before:
Pretty lame huh?  So we added a series of pictures to help liven it up:

I really love how it all turned out.  Next up is adding pictures on either side of my mirror and above my dresser in my master bedroom.  (It's pretty vanilla in my bedroom-why do I fix up all the other rooms except my own??-weird)

Yeah, that's right.  My bed is totally unmade.  I told you I didn't feel well!!  So three pictures are going to be on either side of the mirror.  I haven't figured out what configuration, but I have printed some cute pics of me and Hammond.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Brought to you by the Letter "H"

I may or may not have dropped a pretty big hint a while back to Dirt Diva (who by the way has amazing stuff on her site-you should check it out.  ) about a cool moss letter.  (Hint found HERE)  I honestly (and yes I mean honestly) did not expect her to make me one, but being that she's as sweet as they get, she made me one!  WOO to the HOO people!!  (Check out her blog on it Mossy "H")

I was like a kid on Christmas waiting for Santa the mailman to drop it off on our front porch.  The day it did arrive, I didn't get home from work until late, so I had to wait until the next day to open it.  Silly me waited until AFTER I had cleaned the house and proceeded to watch Chad open it in the kitchen.  Yep, had to run the sweeper again-super clean kitchen after getting cleaned 2X.

Dirt Diva did such an awesome job making this and even enlisted her man to help with the packaging!  Now that's a team if I do say so myself!  The box even came with instructions!

However, my favorite part of the box was this:

Told ya she was sweet!
Dirt Diva had an incredible bow on the H but for whatever reason Chad & I couldn't figure out how to make it work on the door.  (I lack total creativity)  So we sniped the bow (Sorry Dirt Diva) and hung it on the front door.  We love it way more than the flower we originally had and all of my neighbors are super jealous of it.  Score one for the Hammonds!!! 

Thanks girl!  You really made my week.  I'm not creative but I have awesome hookups at a pretty cool resort, so if I can ever create an unbelievable vacation for you, you call me. 
Ps-seriously ya'll need to check out her site-she even hand makes greeting cards-now how cool is that????